Monday, August 3, 2009

Buses, Roses, and Chocolates....Oh My!!!

Summer is coming to a close. This Friday is the first day of school for kids, however my husband asked me a interesting question tonight. "When are you going to start training for the Olympics?" Me: "The what?" Hubby: "You are going to have to start getting up earlier, when are you going to bed earlier?" Me: Oh Crap!!

(This year is going to be so much different, my oldest has to be at the bus stop at 6:45am!! WTF I will have to get up at 5:45am to get the child up and moving and fed and all that. Then I will come home and get daughter ready and to the bus stop!)

So that conversation was over, and I was thinking about what time I was going to have to get up. My hubby starts laughing, and shows me a comment that a friend of his posted on Facebook. She asked "Is it wrong to give the bus drives a dozen roses the first day of school?" Which got me to thinking that I don't care what time I have to get up, I'm going to be home with hubby with only one kid home!!!


Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, however things are so much easier with one kiddo than three. Easier to clean the house. Just one word easier!!

So I am seriously considering getting both my kids bus drivers a dozen roses!! Maybe not at the same time or at the beginning of the year but bus drivers and teacher, I love thee and thank you for all you do!!

1 comment:

Shima said...

5:45 lucky lol. I used to have to get up at 5am to get ready for the bus at 6am. I was the first one on the bus in the morning and the last one off. This is what happens when you live in bum fuck middle of no where lmao :D.